Thursday, May 28, 2009

These Are Truly Amazing Times In Second Life

Well it's truly an amazing time for me right now in Second Life!

I've been working very hard on The 5th Annual Second Pride Festival, along with the other Second Pride committe members and several other very talented and devoted individuals. Now, FINALLY the Pride Festival is in full swing!

Second Pride, in case you're not aware, is the ONLY worldwide, global Gay Pride Festival in existence.

Through the magic of Second Life we are able to join together with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans-gendered) men and woman from all over the world and put together a celebration of pride, diversity, love and common bonds which is attended by LGBT people and friends of the LGBT community from all over the planet! This is an truly unique opportunity and I have been very blessed to be a part of it, serving as Marketing & Advertising Chairperson.

Second Pride is taking place NOW thru May 30th on six connnected sims. To visit Second Pride and join the many, many fun events and activities CLICK RIGHT HERE Please also check out the SECOND PRIDE OFFICIAL WEBSITE

While promoting Second Pride I had the opportunity to meet a gentleman named Steve Cropper. Steve produces an internet TV show called "Life On Line" about how people spend their time online. The show covers social networks, virtual worlds, education, new talent, newsmakers, online safety and security, what's new on the net, and much more in an entertaining and informative format. Steve and the Life On Line crew, along with their house band "SpaceJunky" did an interview with yours truly, little ol' me, covering Second Pride. The show is filmed in Second Life however it covers many many sites and activities all over the net and is shown on 29 different websites(and growing).

While taking care of the nuts and bolts part of the interview, Steve and I found that we worked together quite well and developed a mutual respect for each other and a great comraderie.

Shortly after the Life On Line episode featuring Second Pride aired on May 15th, receiving 30,000 PLUS views in it's first 3 days, Steve approached me with a proposal that just completely blew me away! He has offered me the position of Assoc Producer (although in my case that might be better called Ass Producer!) I will also be doing my own interviews and broadcasts on the show.

Life On Line currently releases a new show twice a month, however, thanks to a recent relationship developed with an internet bigwig company, Life On Line is about to become a weekly program.

You can view current and past episodes of Life On Line TV by CLICKING ON THIS LINK

I am very excited, very honored and VERY nervous about this new postion which will begin next month after completion of my duties with Second Pride.

Oh, by the way, Second Pride raises and donate money to charities. This year our chosen charity is Amnesty International OUTfront. It looks like we will be exceeding last year's donation of $6,500 USD to the AIDS Orphanage in Uganda by a landslide thanks to all the generous donations, supportors, sponsors and kind-hearted residents of Second Life.
These are TRULY AMAZING TIMES IN SL!! Not only for me, but also for all SL residents who are members of, or friends of the SL LGBT community!!

From the bottom of my heart, and with the most sincere gratitude, I am SOOO GRATEFUL to you all!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Very truly Yours,
Leland Ansar Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Voice Your Opinion Of Adult Content

Tateru Nino of Massively has put together an interesting survey on how people feel about the Linden Adult Content stuff. It's totally anonymous and you can find it on her "Dwell On It" Blog, along with somevery interesting comentaries. Go to
and check it out. Sphere: Related Content

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Well, they did it. I'm going in now...Pray for me...

I just took a peek after I posted my last entry and viewer RC 1.23.1 is here!

I just downloaded it and I'm gonna log in and check it out now. I'm a little scared, so wish me luck. I wish I had a helmet and safety goggles.

Okay here I go..... Sphere: Related Content

Release Candidate 1.23 has arrived....sort of

Well the dreaded arrival of the "Adult Content" 1.23 client is here, kind of....

RC 1.23 has numerous great features included with it that will be of good use for builders and content creators. You can now set the perms on textures, and many other items you never could in the past. That's deffinately a plus.
The "About Land" menu is much more informative than ever before. That's nice too.

The Adult stuff...well it seemed pretty simple at first. If you wanted to get your perv on, you go to Edit>Preferences>General and selected "PG,Mature and Adult" option. Eazy-Peazy, right? Wrong. With every re-logged the option goesback to the default choice of "PG and Mature" only and you have to remember to reset it to include Adult. Failure to do so will disable the ability to perform a search for 'Adult' stuff (which includes a very poorly filtered variety of words) and any attempt to TP, or cross into land that is "above your maturity level" gets you a snooty litttle error message and a reference to the knowledge base

The worst part for me....the effects of the appearance of avitars! Skins look distorted, uneven and overly ruddy, eyelashes are either white or just plain bizarre looking, everyone appears to be wearing gobs of black mascara giving us all a sort of 'junkie-look'
Female avi's that have a make up look on their faces, now look like clown faces. It'sreally quite a mess.
I personally have always apppreciated the looks of some avi's where the person has clearly spent some time and effort in making their avi's appearance something nice to see, and having just completed a complete makeover of my own avi in an attempt to make him look closer to the RL me (not so easy to find Polynesian skins, I actually cheated and used a Latino skin, shh...don't tell anyone). To have completed my makeover only to log-in to RC 1.23 and see that I have turned into a freaked-out junkie with bad skin and mascara, and not a dermatologist in sight was just too much for me to handle. i wuickly logged off and logged back in on the nice safe and familiar regular viewer.
Now a few moments ago in a couple of the more reliable and informative news blogs that RC 1.23 is no longer available for download - hopefully this means a 1.23.1 is on it's way soon! Sphere: Related Content